Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nashville Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers

Barnette Law Offices, LLC – Tennessee Domestic Violence Defense


Certain crimes exist that have long-term ramifications beyond a criminal charge, fine, jail sentence, or probation. Domestic violence is becoming one of those crimes where the lasting effects can significantly change how you live the rest of your life and what rights you will have. At Barnette Law Offices, LLC, in Nashville, Tennessee, we will work to protect your rights if you have been charged with domestic violence.


A domestic violence conviction results in a lifetime loss of your right to carry a weapon in the state of Tennessee. Immigrants who are in this country through a visa or a green card could lose their residency status or be deported if convicted of domestic violence or violation of an order of protection. Once a charge is made, an arrest is soon to follow. If the police show up at your door, someone is leaving with them for jail.

At Barnette Law Offices, LLC, we get to work immediately after you have been arrested for spousal abuse or domestic violence. Many times, we get our clients immediately into counseling to show the prosecution that you are acknowledging a problem and taking important steps to work on your alleged violent tendencies.

Many domestic violence cases hinge on "he said/she said" testimony. Divorce or custody issues have been a key factor in many of the domestic violence cases that we have handled. Unfortunately, spouses have been known to make false allegations of domestic abuse in divorce proceedings. Conviction on a domestic abuse charge may negatively affect an individual's custody and visitation rights in a family court proceeding.


Domestic violence is a serious issue and a crime with severe penalties. However, when it is used as a way to gain an advantage in a divorce, the Nashville, Tennessee Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers at Barnette Law Offices, LLC, get to work in defending our client's rights.


Our job is to conduct a thorough investigation and strip away the emotional elements to find the facts of the case. If there is an order of protection in place, we encourage our clients to stay away from the home. Any violation could result in jail time with no probation.

For more information or to schedule an appointment regarding domestic violence or family abuse, please contact us at Barnette Law Offices, LLC, or 615-585-2245.


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