Have you been receiving unwanted calls on your cell phone? Such calls often come from creditors, debt collectors, and debt buyers such as Midland Credit Management (or Midland Funding, LLC), Portfolio Recovery Associates, CACH, LLC, and LVNV Funding, LLC. If you have not given such entities as the above permission to call your cell phone or even your residential phone, each call can be a violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. If the calls are from a debt collector, debt purchaser, or even a debt collection law firm, these are also violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
If you are recieving or have recieved calls such as these, contact Jason Barnette at Barnette Law Offices today. The calls will stop, we will obtain money for you, and often times make the debt you are alleged to owe go away as a part of settlement. We represent clients throughout Tennessee and nationwide.